Monday Flat Tire pi.pe/-vc94aq
Monday Flat Tire pi.pe/-vc94aq
I’m at Old Pro Golf Indoor/Outdoor Pirate/Safari (Ocean City, MD) w/ 3 others [pic]: 4sq.com/NfC5Gj
Picked this place based on their awesome logo. (@ catch 54) [pic]: 4sq.com/LVJNGp
Did I just pick a restaurant based solely on their logo? You betcha. ping.fm/10N2N
I’m at Harpoon Hanna’s (Selbyville, Delaware) w/ 2 others [pic]: 4sq.com/L4FsRA
I’m at The Crab Bag (Ocean City, MD) w/ 8 others [pic]: 4sq.com/ReO0W4
A courageous brand identity proposal created for Microsoft bit.ly/O0hFPn -by the very ambitious design student, Andrew Kim.
I’m at Grotto Pizza (Bethany Beach, DE) w/ 2 others [pic]: 4sq.com/OkQX7x
Impressive display of voice commands on #Android Jelly Bean. Will be nice to see a demo of iOS6 after release youtube.com/watch?v=fHkhp6BwnGo&…
CSS3PS is a free Photoshop (CS3, 4, 5, 6) plugin that turns your shape layers and styles into CSS: css3ps.com/ /via @jnack
Hopefully a $39.99 Windows 8 Pro price tag will get a lot of XP (read IE8) users to upgrade. windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/bl…
@elgreg I’m starting to look like Spencer Pratt radaronline.com/sites/radaronlin…
Meteorologists call Friday’s storm a ‘land hurricane,’ say it raced 700 miles from Indiana to the Atlantic in 12 hrs in.reuters.com/article/2012/07/0…
@boagworld My contact form does something similar russellheimlich.com/contact.html
@elgreg dummyimage.com is still up. Maybe you should switch to a shared hosting plan and enjoy life a bit more.
@AstickofGum @ammy914 Or just go to IMDB imdb.com/title/tt1915581/
You don’t grow a beard with your face. You grow a beard with your soul. Here’s how to start. bit.ly/KG4x0n
@ChrisVanPatten And here’s how I accomplished cache busting of CSS and JS files forrst.com/posts/CDN_Friendly_CS…
As far as code syntax highlighters go, Crayon is well thought out and top notch. ping.fm/scXW2
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.