Via @ppk talking about input=”date” widgets medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/…
Via @ppk talking about input=”date” widgets medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/…
@jfc3 @mreumann @mixolydian @pauljadam Get one of those crappy Chinese versions for $150…
@rachelandrew @jensimmons Or you could just use overflow: auto…
@tikidaisy @round @pewinternet o I know
@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh I see. Emoji are hard
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner o. I thought it was a meditation class.
This is a great tip for people visiting Washington DC today and over the weekend. (via @arlusk)
@danielbachhuber @JJJ @johnpbloch I see… Thanks for the gobs of Foundation cruft left to clean up 🙂
Finished reading @adactio’s resilientwebdesign.com in a cabin with no cell service/wifi because the book is designed for offline reading.
@naudebynature @AstickofGum ditto
Slides from my @WordPressDC talk on Scaling WordPress on AWS v.gd/wpaws
Thanks to @agencyCHIEF for hosting the meetup!
@delano_cindy @WordPressDC @agencyCHIEF Here are the slides from scaling on AWS v.gd/wpaws
“When you want something that scales, you need cattle, not pets.” @kingkool68 server scaling metaphor at @WordPressDC t.co/9HILlnoA2B
.@WordPressDC back at CHIEF 1/17! @courtneydawn to talk CMSs @ museums + @kingkool68 will talk scaling on @awscloud. meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/23…
Happy birthday @photomatt and thanks for open sourcing WordPress.
@taupecat @danielbachhuber Half that time was verifying the domains by which Amazon sends an email to addresses in your whois records. UgHHH
@taupecat @danielbachhuber It was the middle of the night and I created an endless redirect loop in wp-admin. So I had to fix that.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.