Q&A session at the end of @kingkool68 Russell Heimlich talk #WCBalt
and now, the incomparable @kingkool68 on running high availability WordPress on @awscloud. #WCBalt
What am I doing on a Saturday morning? Hanging out at @wordcampbalt #wcbalt
It’s WordCamp Baltimore day! I’ll be live tweeting from @RussellHeimlich throughout the day. #WCBalt
@ammy914 @naudebynature It’s a completely understandable mistake. And our only real hiccup.
@munin @jgarber The administration is considering a register of immigrants from certain Muslim countries. Similar to what we did after 9/11
In DC we call “Bus Factor” “Metro Factor” @stevegrunwell @WordPressDC
@wordpressdc @bethsoderberg We’re also sitting next to each other. And she copied off my screen while I pulled up the slides.
“A complete lack of technical debt would imply a complete lack of technical assets” – @stevegrunwell @WordPressDC
.@stevegrunwell is a #bigredFlag
@corbett3000 @whistle Yup! russellheimlich.com/blog/barcamp…
Why 2016 election polls missed their mark bit.ly/2fVmBO9 via @pewresearch
Looking forward to the next few weeks. Headed to @wordcampbalt this weekend then @WordCampUS follows two weeks later. #cantwait
Just got the first prints of the JS for WP Bandanas to give away to students at @wordcampbalt!!! Looking dope!! t.co/7JI4famAHB
.@kingkool68 will cover the nuts and bolts of a highly-scalable cloud hosting set-up specifically for #WordPress. 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/sess…
@freshyill @whistle Oh right, that sounds pretty 2016.
@mwilstory @robyntomlin Red, White, and Blue goes Orange
@nekolaweb @markmywords35 That’s nice of you to include the 3rd parties.