New Archiver WordPress Plugin Auto-Generates Wayback Machine Snapshots… via @wptavern, a CSS drawing project by @lynnandtonic
I would totally sign up for Google’s @projectfi if I had a compatible phone. Not ready to upgrade yet. Sticking with OnePlus One circa 2014
@trentwalton @unmatchedstyle Wait for the countdown to reach 0…
@trentwalton @unmatchedstyle I’ve still got my entry up and ancient blog post too…
Sweet. @GitHub follows @WordPress and uses native system fonts now on their site.
Hey @voxdotcom, what’s the point in even having pictures if you do something like this?
@fugularity @Smashley017 I hope you’re talking about DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT!
@elgreg @jtnt I just bought: ‘Social Media Engagement For Dummies’ by Aliza Sherman via @amazon…
Via @alistapart’s The Foundation of Technical Leadership…
Wrote a bash script to generate a change log of pull requests between two tagged releases…
Example: @wpcli’s repo
@jimbrady @tammykennon Thanks for found that and legitimizing my future career path ?
20 years ago tonight, a bunch of us were getting set to launch washingtonpost. com. Thx for reminder, @tammykennon!
@mattcutts @jfc3 Tell them Ishmael sent you. They love that!
@mattcutts Moby Dick House of Kabob is my favorite lunch spot Not sure if one is near the Pentagon. @jfc3 would know
“I say now is the time to refocus on what local (news) can do instead or what it can’t” – @jimbrady…
@daljo628 @nacin Because I’m sure the flight attendant would take your word that it is under 2lbs so this laptop is ok.