@RCSoaringDigest @TwitterBlue Cool. The extra features aren’t particularly compelling I just figured after using Twitter for 16 years I should help support it.
@howtuu @schlessera @aaronjorbin @TimberWP Tried it and wasn’t a fan. I like to gather my data in PHP and use Twig to join the data with HTML. Timber duplicates a lot of the PHP logic in Twig itself.
@twigpress @YmirApp No more API gateway?
@schlessera @aaronjorbin Mixing PHP and HTML. Do I have a solution? Yes. I use Twig github.com/kingkool68/sprig
@tomfinley @TwitterBlue I’ve been using the service for 16 years. Might as well be a paying member. Maybe it will be worthwhile?
I’m a @TwitterBlue subscriber now
@hdjirdeh @cassidoo This is an incredibly marginal usecase. You gain performance by lazy loading images, not defering the decoding. I can’t imagine ever using this.
@neojp @MikeNGarrett @metalandcoffee_ Game Cube
Something good came from April Fools’ Day—once. By @tallshmo social1.lifesavvy.com/social/htg…
@hey_erinj @caitlynmayers @brad_frost Same thought! No logo just instantly recognize it as Wayfair.
@jecfish @paul_irish Have you considered just directly connecting a video call to Paul whenever someone opened the Performance tab?
Me watching @paul_irish using flame graphs to debug a JavaScript performance issue: Oh yeah, duh. So easy.
Me trying to debug my own site looking at the flame graphs: What the…
This new Performance insights panel looks much easier to understand and use. twitter.com/jecfish/status/15098…
@crutchcorn @code Once the bottom pane is closed I can never find the terminal again until I open a new terminal out of desperation
@UpTheIrons1978 @natmiletic @igorbenic @mgaak1dev @Josh412 @realniendoo @GeneralSAWP @palmiak_fp @CSDevAr I built a social networking app from scratch including liking friending/following, private messaging, forms etc.
@randallb @paulg @foundersatwork I can relate to this. Life gets so busy once kids enter the picture.
@jaredcunha @NguyetV We should leave each other secret clues…
@drakgremlin @CoderPad @hackerrank CoderPad’s gottem
@elgreg @acityinohio It also alienates a valuable chunk of your potential pool of ad viewers: Those that are engaged and wealthy enough to pay to remove ads.
@joshlangner @segment Yea I’m sure there are definitely solutions to this. But we don’t have that many custom events firing throughout the website… sooo…. not sure why keep needing different products.
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned So WP-CLI would need your plain text password inorder to get the SHA-1 hash to accurately compare it against the pwned password API. Just taking it out of the database (and WordPress has no idea what your plain text password is) is useless since the hash will be different