“why are we making JavaScript a requirement to render text on the screen?” – @adactio #aeabos
@dburka @jdroth did something similar and could provide some pointers.
Setting the source order helps you get to know the content better, which translates into the design. @jensimmons at #aeabos
via @mijustin “I’m a fucking webmaster” justinjackson.ca/webmaster/
@kathkat15 @astickofgum The world needs more female wrappers.
Side by side comparison of @instagram app update on Android
@bbaiiey @jesse_squires I enjoy endorsing people on LinkedIn for “LinkedIn”
@taupecat @RP3Agency What’s the parking situation like for tonight’s AWS meet up?
Scoop: the founders of Philly news startup @Billy_Penn are expanding to a second city in PA cnnmon.ie/23CZ1ng
@Smashley017 read that as? then went back to the beginning to make sure you weren’t taking about @fugularity
@fugularity @astickofgum What’s DOL WD?
State of WordPress.com Elasticsearch Systems 2016 developer.wordpress.com/2016/05/… via @AutomatticEng
@mr_suh @awesomecon Not so awesome now, is it?
@joannabrenner @alexnazaryan russell( “Is a ”, “cool guy!” ); // returns “is a cool guy!”
@joannabrenner @alexnazaryan They write Java on Silicon Valley not JavaScript youtu.be/zqSd58tpdWw?t=41s
@taupecat @aaronjorbin or bugs.