If any teachers out there use @treehouse in their classrooms or with there students, PLEASE share with me!!! teamtreehouse.com/forum/how-are-… pls rt
If any teachers out there use @treehouse in their classrooms or with there students, PLEASE share with me!!! teamtreehouse.com/forum/how-are-… pls rt
Want to see me talk about WordPress stuff? Then come to @WordPressDC’s Lightning Talks tomorrow evening meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/12…
Inspired by #aeadc, @zeldman, @lukew, and others, I whipped up another Internet vs. Cupcake: youtube.com/watch?v=ZpjTZ8MRSew
✩ How Tweet It Is! Top tweets and hot nuggets from @aneventapart DC 2013. cog.gd/5kc
During the 3 days at #aeadc I managed to type out ~315 tweets on my @RussellHeimlich account. You’re welcome followers.
@DougGapinski @robin2go Not only that I forwarded the tweet to the person who manages @pewinternet They’ll love it.
#aeadc in tweets and pics. (BTW, @zeldman, Storify was NOT a delightful experience.) storify.com/corriespondent/aeadc…
I’ve wanted to layer math formulas over landscape photography ever since seeing the work by @nikkigraziano in 2010. nikkigraziano.com/index.php/proj…
1/2 way through An Event Apart. That means only a day & half left to follow my stream of conscious tweeting over at @russellheimlich #aeadc
@caramcdermott Yup. An Event Apart DC. @zeldman says hi!
@meyerweb: “You need to unlearn everything you have learned about web design.” Person behind me: “Again?” #aeadc
@anthonydpaul @wordpressdc I’m down. I’ve got something to demo.
Any @WordPress dev’s out there hate sync-ing wp-content/uploads? Here’s a #protip for ya! coderwall.com/p/skazcg via @coderwall
You don’t get to decide which device people use to access your content. They do. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
@aaronjorbin It was clearly his WordCamp SF talk. Being on the west coast, easier to spot by Bezos… cc/@yurivictor
@greglinch Congrats on your complimentary business-issued Kindle Fire. @elgreg congrats on not having to use a Kindle Fire everyday.
Delivering a desktop experience on mobile as “ergonomic lunacy”. Possibly the phrase of the day. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
“It’s people who care enough to keep thinking about something until they find the simplest way to do it.” – Tim Cook @lukew #aeadc #design
@Robin2go @shelleykeith After you guys left John made me give him my shirts to make up the difference.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.