@johnpbloch @aaronjorbin @nacin @trepmal BitBucket username or email?
@johnpbloch @aaronjorbin @nacin @trepmal BitBucket username or email?
@johnpbloch @aaronjorbin @nacin @trepmal Wanna help review some code for something I’ve been cooking up?
@kingkool68 sweet, can wait to put one of those in my walkman.
WHY?!?! “@engadget: Sony and Panasonic ally to launch next-generation 300GB optical discs – engt.co/16uBjNx”
@kathkat15 @astickofgum STAYcation!
Asian version of the melting pot. (@ Hot Spot w/ @msinkiat) [pic]: 4sq.com/148U79l
Another gem on the @WPCodePoet haiku board. Turn the Geek Symphony up to 11! #codeispoetry #wcsf
RT @MadtownLems: RT @jackomo: The demand for WordPress pros is very High. More jobs than people to fill them. #wcsf
@will_koper @kev097 Skipping @dcjquery tonight and hitting up the design Battle Royale at Nclud.
@naudebynature @astickofgum @smellyice Customers also viewed… amazon.com/gp/product/B001DZTJRQ…
@bookofjoe @nekolaweb That’s the big deal. Nothing special happened.
@bookofjoe @nekolaweb Go to pewresearch.org, resize your browser window smaller then larger then smaller. See how the site responds.
All the @pewresearch WordPress websites are now responsive! (@PewHispanic, @allthingscensus, @pewglobal) Check them out on mobile. #RWD
OSSBBQ, behind the scenes: is.gd/dggYXZ /cc @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
If I wasn’t already going to An Event Apart DC I would totally go to this Q&A with @karenmcgrane meetup.com/Content-Strategy-DC/e…
@mikevoermans @chriscoyier The PHP script uses CSS Crush to concat and minify CSS @import statements the-echoplex.net/csscrush/ Not using SASS
@mikevoermans @chriscoyier Here it is gist.github.com/kingkool68/55559…
Data URIs found to be slow, especially on low-powered devices? Say it ain’t so: mobify.com/blog/data-uris-are-sl… /via @brianleroux
@e_wils @whistle It’s about keeping graphic design hourly rates artificially high by killing off the sucky ones in a match to the death.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.