couldn’t make it to #aea DC but am reading 3rd ed. of designing with web standards this wknd. thanks @zeldman @beep #genius
You paid good money to hear me talk out of my ass – @adactio #aea
#aea @jfc3 has everyone at our lunch table mesmerized about accessibility issues on the web.
That’s it! RT @courcelan digitalcolor meter I believe #aea
@beep @160mph That article doesn’t compare setting body font-size to 100% vs 62.5%? Why not make 1em = 10px and make your life easier?
Standards a like sausages. They’re great, but you don’t want to see how they are made – @adactio #aea
“If you leave a semicolon off of a javascript, no-problem, it will perform semi-colon insertion. Sounds painful.” #aea – @adactio
Hooray for @beep showing everyone the janky rendering of things on Windows. Mac based designers never think about this stuff #aea
The shwag for all 2011 @AnEventApart attendees should be real bookends, molded to look like @zeldman & @veen #aea
And to end An Event Apart I high fived @veen in the name of the web.
Also, I attempted to high five @veen in the name of the web. But alas, I was too short. cc/ @kingkool68
“Always match the number of :hover and :focus definitions!” @adaction #aea
Some stuff @malarkey says is awesome and other stuff leaves me on the fence. #aea
“In 3-5 years, mobile > desktop in terms of usage.” @beep #aea
Why does @beep make setting type in ems so hard. It doesn’t have to be that hard. Set the body font-size to 62.5% #aea
I feel like @beep is turning people off to ems even though it doesn’t have to be that hard. #aea
@brownpau you’re like a filipino version of @simplebits web dev/space nerd
Impressed @stubbornella isn’t heckling @simplebits for using ID selectors in all his CSS examples. #AEA