@neojp @MikeNGarrett 9 month old is deciding to scream his head off right now. So that’s fun.
@davatron5000 Dear Uncle Dave,
Listening to you and @chriscoyier talk about monitors on @ShopTalkShow has caused me to obsessively research the intricacies of monitor tech. Sooo a question for you…
Is a refresh rate higher than 100hz worth it for day to day dev work? No gaming
@claygriffiths @dimensionmedia @chriscoyier @TablePlus @LocalWP Nice. I’ll have to give that a try.
@dimensionmedia @chriscoyier @TablePlus @LocalWP I was on board with Sequel Ace but @LocalWP requires a socket to connect to the local DB and Sequel Ace can’t do that for reasons github.com/Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace…
@enqueue_russ @LasVegasLocally @CCCULV My guess would have been the sperm bank
@teddyrised @bestseller Pretty sky
#WordPress now at 40% marketshare (+4.3% in a year), 64.3% of all CMS marketshare*. 📈
It outpaced the growth of Shopify and Squarespace since Jan 1. @WooCommerce among “fastest growing”.
* = according to @W3Techs t.co/zxss0dmaBI
@jonknee @QuisitiveInvest Using this
it looks like 2TB (2000GB) of storage per month is $10.
@mollyfmielke @round Clay
Senior Full Stack Developer job opening at @FormidableForms full-time remote, from anywhere. You’ll be responsible for ‘Making Stuff Go’, building new infrastructure, improving existing code & squashing bugs, plus…
Here are the details: poststatus.com/job/formidable-fo…
@kkuchta @QuinnyPig We’ve got an opening for a Ruby dev with frontend skills. Typescript is in the mix too.
@JillWohlner Pretty sure github.com/poteto/hiring-without… is a list of this
Want to learn the best strategies for hiring technical candidates remotely? Join me for a webinar on February 3rd and hear my *STRONG OPINIONS* about how to improve your own process! @CoderPad coderpad.io/resources/webinars/5…
@JacksonBates @elyktrix Check out Query Monitor. It’s a must have plugin for developers to inspect and debug internals. Feel free to ask me any questions if you get stuck on something.
@elyktrix @YesImAaron @JacksonBates @natmiletic Count me in! Love Local for local development
@_vade I listen to @ShopTalkShow when I can
@nacin Was the assist from @aaronjorbin for spell checking?
I need some css help with a new website. Will pay. Let me know if you can help, or feel free to forward this to anyone whom you may know. @Shopify Liquid; very simple stuff not a total site build. Thanks
@brownpau @PicPedant You should tweet “marco” and see how many people respond with “polo”