@anthonydpaul @taupecat What you describe is what Docker does. Not sure how you’re fitting NPM into all of this.
@anthonydpaul @taupecat This is a good podcast that talks about what NPM is/was and how it is run shoptalkshow.com/345/
@anthonydpaul @taupecat I don’t see how you would use NPM to merge data changes between environments unless your data is very simple and structured. And Git can already do that for you.
@anthonydpaul @taupecat Uh…. I just see NPM as a bunch of JavaScript files. GitHub already has something similar called Packages (github.com/features/packages) that I guess wasn’t taking the world by storm. It sounds like NPM is a huge money drain. So good luck with that Microsoft.
TIL: you can shorten CSS gradients & remove redundant values by using a little “fixup trick”.
Thanks to @anatudor who shared it on @css. 🙇🏻♂️
🔗 Codepen example: codepen.io/stefanjudis/pen/vYOjJ…
🔗 Fixup spec paragraph: drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#c… t.co/5UhShsxGvE
@jeremybowers @beckybowers What’s the high and low?
@prayagverma @biz I get they’re not impossible to get through but most times I simply don’t care enough and just close the tab.
We’ve cancelled @AnEventApart DC and Seattle. Stay safe, everyone.
@ThugRaccoons @mommajessiec Someone made a sorta related shirt teechip.com/panic-costco
@mjacksonw @SpencerRhys You are brave.
I’m really digging this idea of marking code review comments based on importance/urgency! It’s way better than the usual “Nit: …” code review comment! 👍🏻
Thanks team @Netlify for sharing! 🙇🏻♂️
Bummed @WordCampLanc scheduled for this weekend is cancelled but they did it for the right reasons. I appreciate all the work the organizers have put in and the hard decisions they had to make.
Will I ever make it to a WordCamp in 2020?
@danwhiting @anthonydpaul 0 AOL. Their time has passed.
@donw @gmail Yea that weirds me out too. I’m thinking I should change my personal email to something else that just forwards to GMail just so I can stand out more.
@MrDisagree @hankchizljaw It’s pretty cool the 2nd time around.
@hellojusi @eleven_ty @Netlify Nice! I dig the font.
@WordCampLanc I hope @WordCampLanc is still on for this weekend. Seems like events are dropping left and right.
@hollymariegibbs @miked1ck Like Kubernetes clusters?
@MagicalOverload I’m really digging @beabad00bee lately