“Bug 194028 – Add limits to the amount of JavaScript that can be loaded by a website” bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=…
“Bug 194028 – Add limits to the amount of JavaScript that can be loaded by a website” bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=…
@LeftonBomb @Medium I remember hearing a talk from someone in 2005-06 that had a similiar idea. Since then I’ve fallen back to:
– Visitor
– Audience
– Customer
– Patron
– Guest
– Enjoyer
– Reader
– Person/People
“As a Designer, I Refuse to Call People ‘Users'” - @LeftonBomb link.medium.com/YfybQClRRT
A new project from the design team @cloudflare
– Preview palettes against UI elements
– Cycle through accessible color combos
– Create palettes manually, via URL import, or generatively
– Export and share palettes as css, sass, js, or json
.@marketoonist on ‘the state of user experience design’ 😂
@danmall @Netlify oops! Actually this will do the trick…
wget –mirror –convert-links –adjust-extension –page-requisites –no-parent danmall.me
The way you lazy load your CSS file causes some issues with the scraper so just chuck the misisng main.css in the right place manually
@danmall @Netlify wget –page-requisites –convert-links –span-hosts -e robots=off –no-host-directories danmall.me
This will scrape your site and download a local backup of it.
After seeing @BuzzFeed layoffs, I decided to build a website aggregating these persons who are now looking for their next opportunity 👇
Feel free to tweet me other BuzzFeed persons looking for a new job t.co/zIS0Cb0jet
Interesting juxtaposition in my timeline about @FirefoxDevTools
Adding contenteditable=”true” to an inline <style> tag a smart idea for live-coding CSS. Props @Una twitter.com/hj_chen/status/10893…
@textfiles @livebeef archive.org/details/ReturnToWor This one?
If you use WordPress and are near Lancaster, PA mark your calendar for @WordCampLanc on Saturday 2019-04-27 #wclanc
Their call for speakers is open. This is a great event, you should apply to speak.
@jennschiffer the only thing that stop a bad algorithm is a good algorithm with a gun
Hey #design twitter, I’m looking for a couple solid Product Designers to join my team over at @TheAthletic Check out our careers page for more info and to see other open positions. Shares are appreciated!
How are you spending the next year? If you’re a early-to-mid career product designer, let’s talk! I’m hiring for a 1-year, full time gig starting in March at @NPR HQ in DC. Apply at the link below; DMs are open if you’ve got questions! twitter.com/nprdesign/status/108…
… So, for the @wired and @newscientist of this world, who quite understandably need to make money, what will be the unintended consequences of creating an informed audience, and a much larger one that has barely read past the headline?
@textfiles 2,134 Support local news like @billy_penn @theinclinepgh @Denverite
@getify @chriscoyier Couldn’t you just use replaceState?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.