Yo, we’re hiring a summer web dev intern @pewresearch
(JavaScript, WordPress, Data Visualization, Stats, etc.)
pewrsr.ch/webdev-intern t.co/a7gRsniZ1B

@sbz @round @briankoppelman I am. According to Amazon I have a mailroom…

@round @briankoppelman @sbz 0 tweets of them retweeting themselves?

RELEASE: Crashcast-Exploit
This tool allows you to mass play any YouTube video with exposed Chromecast devices obtained from Shodan.io
Author: @037
github.com/649/Crashcast-Exploit… t.co/3NhKvHVnU9

@cdharrison @round @pocketcasts I second this. Though I only manage to listen to about 30 minutes of podcasts a week now that I have no commute.

@NiemanLab @renan I know that guy

@behindyourback @freshyill @round too late

@round @github Like StUfF –> FTP –> GitHub?
StUfF –> Git –> GitHub –> FTP ?

Hi @LinkedIn, I’ll take my $430,000 annual compensation now. twitter.com/polotek/status/10779…

I must have a life or something because I read idly squat on @Pocket in 2018!! getpocket.com/@kingkool68 #MyYearInPocket

@steveschoger @adamwathan Awesome! I love those videos so much.

@cdharrison @round Pototo

@jaredcunha @Marchdoe overflow: auto;
height: 100%;
zoom: 1;

12 years ago I was listening to episode 61 of @boagworld’s podcast and decided to sign up for this little website here called Twitter.

@round @bookoisseur @yurivictor @chloejnegron Eddie Munster.

@round @arqbackup @backblaze 1 TB of storage:
– Dropbox: $8.25
– Backblaze B2: $5.12