@mstharrington @round Totes mist-mash
@mstharrington @round Totes mist-mash
Whenever there is some garrish colored mist-mash image in my timeline I always know it’s something @round tweeted
Excited to talk #Gutenberg at my hometown @WordPressDC ! twitter.com/WordPressDC/status/9…
The death of the newsfeed ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2018… @BenedictEvans says what feeds are up against in designing, surviving, thriving, evolving
@kev097 It’s cool. Denver’s got @Denverite
Neon Japan | by @liamwong
Today we’re going to highlight the work from our partners @billy_penn & @theinclinepgh. These are two mobile-first newsrooms, applying an innovative approach to journalism.
New @filamentgroup utility: imaging-heap
A command line tool to measure the efficiency of your responsive image markup across viewport sizes and device pixel ratios.
Will likely iterate on the legend %’s moving forward! Feedback (GitHub issues) welcome! t.co/zUhOFqkGpC
@kevinmarks @googlechrome This happened to me too the other day. I just downloaded it with another browser.
@pauljadam @handcoding @ewaccess 9to5mac.com/2018/03/16/best-twit…
@robweychert @lastfm Not an email but Google Play music does this
@monicroqueta @BuzzFeed I too got 10 out of 12 and was born before 1988.
Dear @internetarchive,
You love preserving outdated webstuff. I AM outdated webstuff. How do we make a stable, secure, in-browser flash player emulator that can preserve all our favorite un-skippable website intros from the early aughts. Also all my sbemails.
-Strong Bad t.co/TCcgcKjO3o
@randallb @brianalvey softaculous.com/ is like a cPanel for managing your server. It offers 443 one click apps: softaculous.com/apps
@randallb @brianalvey DreamHost offers all of these apps as one click installs.
@randallb @brianalvey You mean one click install? Tons of hosts have one click installs for apps today.
Happy 29th birthday to the vague but exciting document that sparked the World Wide Web—“Information Management: A Proposal” by @timberners_lee, March 12th, 1989.
@TaraClaeys @wordcampmiami those aren’t jelly beans… they’re JELLY BIRD EGGS!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.