wait Lindsey Lohan is a lesbo?
Anyone know of any DC job opening for my lovely and talented fiance’? Communications/graphics design area…
@geekycyberdad Yea Herndon seems a bit far. Metro accesible?
@kathkat15 How do you like the new place just up the road from me?
And Joost kills the desktop player. Smart move. Remeber what a hot clamor this was a long long time ago? is.gd/2fLB
@JasonCalacanis Can you make a shot like Dave Coulier here: is.gd/2fY7 ? You look just like him!
Friend of a friends small business t-shirt shop -> walkietalkietees.com/?page=home Cool design, clever tees.
OMG Google why are you creating a browser? Why not support Firefox and make it better instead of forking another beast. is.gd/2733
Kristina is doing wedding spreadsheet stuff. Anyone know any good resources?
New blog post: Video Recording From A DSLR? tinyurl.com/6hm9j5
sarah palin? Who’s that?
So McCain raps on Obama’s inexperience and then picks a first time governor for his VP?
Atleast McCain’s vice president is a hottie – images.google.com/images?q=sarah palin
@5tu I hope that rumor is true. HD Video from a DSLR intrigues me but Canon must be thinking about their video line? is.gd/22FY
Grids are good, right? Awesome presentation about grid design and layout – is.gd/1X44
booksfree.com/ is like Netflicks for books. Wait… don’t public libraries already do this?
A DSLR that shoots video? What has the world come to? is.gd/1Y5W If Canon did this, it would cannibalize their video side of the biz.
And now interesting facts about the boiler room. Well this is way better than the Situation Room, eh Wolfie?
What did the mexican name his two sons? José and Jose-B.
@scottsandler You had a beard?