Bad week for the Internet: Home connection goesdead last night, Dreamhost is being flaky, what next?
Bad week for the Internet: Home connection goesdead last night, Dreamhost is being flaky, what next?
@dextr0us ooo podcasting ideas? I’m intriguied
@chrisvanpatten Hmm i have no idea what you would put in the by line, is it a date?
Isn’t there a requirement that we build some kind of web 2.0 site at BarCamp?
@jgarber beats me, how about something with LOLcats? I’ve got a lol translator. I also have another idea that is too wordy for twitter
Did you see the Barry Bonds shot on Youtube? Moblogging is amazing urltea.com/16jr
Retro Mac OS9 WordPress theme? I’m all over it retromactheme.modernlifeisrubbis…
New blog post: Are you dead? tinyurl.com/24fvzx
@dextr0us Was your friend interviewing at Happy Cog? How did it go?
New blog post: Did Wikipedia Just Insult Me? tinyurl.com/yvxfml
@vagredajr Firefox crashes for me a lot at work and gets pretty slow from time to time. What ever happened to the quick, zippy browser?
Have you ever thought about how much we use acronyms? For example, my blog would be at hyper text transfer protocol : / / world wide web …
. russell heimlich . commercial / weblog Bet you never thought about it like that, did you?
@brownpau Something crappy off of Craigslist? Who’d a thunk?
@eighty5original I didn’t know you were on Twitter? Isn’t it fun?
New blog post: Which Presidential ’08 Candidate Is For You? tinyurl.com/2b4qrk
New blog post: Can You Spot A Fake? tinyurl.com/yt5zv6
New blog post: Does Your Surname Predict Your Success? tinyurl.com/2234tz
Is there really a huge demand for Pownce? I’ve got tons.
@dextr0us You’ve got a g/f? Congrats! I know that was one of your goals for the new year!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.