Half price burger day! Taking a longish lunch due to server issues preventing me from doing work.
Stopped at a light watching Shrek from the backseat of a Cadillac Escalade in front of me.
Ran down the battery on the PowerBook. Now it is time to surf via cell phone.
Went to get a drink at the bar and two people thought I was part of the wait staff. One of them thought I was her boss.
Thank god Google has a wide range of products for mobiles. Google news mobile is sweet!
Yay dancing is over. Now need to help clean? D’oh!
Amazon just shipped my Zune 80!
New blog post: A Series Of Masks tinyurl.com/24pnzd
Spent a good hour and a half catching up on unread RSS feeds. This is the weekend of the feedreader.
Surfing the wireless in the Grand Ballroom at the University of MD. Waiting for a Filipino cultural semi-formal to start. Expect updates.
Playing music really really loud, doesn’t make it any better.
Catching up on the backlog of ThinkVitamin posts clogging my feed reader.
This is an awesome article all about OpenID -> tinyurl.com/yrkhdr
Moment of Zen -> tinyurl.com/yrusdz
I am so excited about Google’s chart API!
New blog post: Google Releases API For Charts tinyurl.com/yvptal
Three bowls of Cheerios should be a good start to my day.
The plan: Work on an interface for Google’s Chart API
Had Chipoltle for lunch, it wa good.
Made some good progress on the Google Charts interface I talked about last night. May write a post and show off a demo later if I find time.