Just spent a good 45 minutes changing out parts on my TechDeck fingerboard. It’s my finger toy for those 15- 30 seconds page loads.
Anyone want to buy my brand new, still sealed Zune 80 for $329.99 -> urltea.com/28dj
I heart Netvibes
SmashingMagazine.com is dragging. A Pitty beause I need to catch up on posts1
Videotape is my favorite song on Radiohead’s In Rainbows CD -> tinyurl.com/2g4w78
Watching the Republican CNN/YouTube debate, should be fairly entertaining.
Whoa! Gloria Borger is on CNN. Her office is right around the corner from mine at USNews
Republicans don’t get YouTube at all!
Almost done properly tagging over 700 tracks I ripped from CDs this holiday weekend.
New blog post: AlbumBase.com Is Down For The Count tinyurl.com/yvdqcz
New blog post: Low Hanging Fruit tinyurl.com/24eqwn
Best LOLCat in a long time -> tinyurl.com/2b2rn4
New blog post: VeriSign’s Security Card Keeps Accounts Safe tinyurl.com/yq9hyf
New blog post: D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y tinyurl.com/28qkqj
New blog post: Ominous Cloudbreak tinyurl.com/2f5x78
Trying to use Mixx more, please feel free to add me as a friend -> mixx.com/users/kingkool68
mmmm chicken steak and cheese for lunch was overflowingly good.
Had a nice and relaxing 4 day weekend. Got 75% of my xmas shopping done. Here is to a full week of work ahead of me.
Powerbook had a problem with the ‘ key being super sensitive/getting stuck so I popped the keycap off and all is well again!
Going to Target to get the last Zune 80 in stock in the area.