Working and stuff
winner winner chcken dinner!
The sky looks awesome on my walk home. Deep navy sky with muted purple clouds. If time were no object I would be making some long exposures.
Anyone have experience with 1.8″ hard drives see this ->
New blog post: Puppies Stolen, Owner Concerned
Creative Zen Vision:M Hard drive is dead. Time to get a replacement on ebay and fix it myself.
Using an old Archos Gmini 220 as my temporary MP3 player until I fix my Creative Zen Vision:M.
New blog post: 55
We’ve got a small army together for half price burger day.
New blog post: Britney Spears Not A Saver
Arg! My mp3 player is in a perpetual limbo. Now for a morning commute with no audio/visual stimulation.
Hello fellow twitterers! What is up?
and so begins the long commute home without an MP3 player 🙁
New blog post: Sauna Suits Replace Trash Bags
Another Sunday morning flag football practice. Taking pictures this morning will be tricky as it is mostly cloudy.
The sun came out and I got some great shots. Will post them to Facebook tomorrow night. Time to go home and play Skate.
Whose bright idea was it to have a classic car show in the post office parking lot? More cars then spaces.
Just finished playing Skate for a few hours. Definetally, a fun game!
New blog post: Using Crowdsourcing To Fight Unknown Callers
adding some plugins to wordpress, more tweets after i get them up and running