New blog post: Have A Blog? Take Action!
Grocery store is packed on Sunday night. I just need to get milk.
New blog post: The Apple iTop?
USNews is getting hammered with Best Colleges traffic
New blog post: Organizing Photos On The Train
Busy day at work today. We are launching Best Colleges in the eveining.
Comcast has 10 minutes to make it on time for my scheduled appointment. Heh. Fat chance that will happen.
Woo Hoo! USNews Best Colleges is Live!
Comcrapstic internet modem needs to be replaced. No internet at home until Thursday.
Bad week for the Internet: Home connection goesdead last night, Dreamhost is being flaky, what next?
Wow it is absolutely gorgeous out this morning.
Tweetr 2.0 is slick ->
1/2 price burger day! Hooray!
hating drop shadows for elements of varying size, bleh!
ARRGGHHH! Why is my internet being so flakey. Every other site times out! Arg!
“Shelves are where things go to die!” – Chris Anderson
International Day of Awesomeness -> and RSVP on Facebook ->
Grabbing lunch before my barrage of Monday afternoon meetings.
New blog post: Painting Will Never Be The Same…
New blog post: Yummy LoremIpscream