Watching a documentary on the Sundance Channel.
Going grocery shopping so I can be prepared for the week.
No Internet @ girlfriends apartment.
upgrading pidgin to 2.0.2
My PowerBook is rockin 1 gig of ram. This is sweet.
Going to Kings Dominion in Virginia.
Saddened by the rumors that spore may be delayed until fiscal ’09.
Hooray my 1GB of ram for my PowerBook is here.
Watching On the Lot
How do most people navigate an online slide show?
I certainly hope it is cooler today. Yesterday was the pits.
Was working on my pet project most of the night. Almost done and ready for the public. Press Inquiries Most Welcome!
Really digging Monotonik, an Internet only music label, on
The top of UPS trucks are not brown.
Reading the current A List Apart articles. Catching up on my feedz!
Lunch at a normal time.
Watching “What Would Jesus Buy” at the AFI Silver theater in Silver Spring.
The work week is done. Time to start coding some personal projects
Underachievement: The tallest blad of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
At home eating grilled cheese made by mommy.