@eighty5original do it!
@eighty5original do it!
@jfc3 I’m such a threadless-a-holic. 15 shirts and 1 print. boxedup.com/kingkool68/have/thre…
@Jason_Reed Weird, i paid my Comcast bill earlier online and it worked just fine.
@eighty5original I dunno 7-UP YOURS was pretty classy.
@brownpau It’s all about Nambu.
@xxCGxx I haven’t seen the new Star Trek movie. And I don’t intend to.
@mrjbrown Congrats on your new baby. I hear they make some awesome accessories for them.
@squareart I looked real close at my ears in the mirror the other say and they look a bit fuzzy.
@seclarke But with a new ipod touch, train delays must be more welcome than before.
@koolsmom Happy Mothers Day! See you in a few hours. We just woke up.
@sitepointdotcom I don’t normally say this, but nice Twitter background!
@ChrisVanPatten There’s more to cars than the initial price. Don’t forget cost of maintenance.
@ChrisVanPatten What if the parking lot was for electric cars only? Hmmm did you ever think of that?
@Whitmoyer Jealous!
@charliepark I always capitalize Internet because it is a single object. There aren’t Internets, there are lots of smaller networks.
@danielmall Whoa! Nice photos of that exploding car (is.gd/xhJf and is.gd/xhJD)
@combustingboy You’re overflow:auto method should work, IE needs a height or width set. height:100% usally does the trick
@wordtheorem Forget XAMPP, try MAMP for Mac is.gd/iFCo or WAMP for Windows bit.ly/THL0e
@combustingboy overflow:hidden works just as well too. Then no scrollbars.
@5tu I agree. Blink of an Eye is a real eye opening book! (pun intended)
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.