@farrelley I only know about Baked & Wired because it’s right next to my work. I don’t seek out cupcakes very much.
@farrelley I only know about Baked & Wired because it’s right next to my work. I don’t seek out cupcakes very much.
@WilHarris SFW pics tinyurl.com/cmabpe
@alphaconsumer just did a write up on how I lowered my Comcast bill. is.gd/pSL3
@primerano I tried that earlier. They said they discontinued that promotion.
@primerano And I never use the Comcast Voice feature, it sits unplugged. When we signed up it was cheaper to go triple play than tv+internet
@kristenlubbe Good luck dealing with the drug cartles in Mexico.
@ChrisVanPatten Go buy the Consumer Reports car edition. Toyota, Honda, and Subaru are the top car manufacturers.
@farrelley re: jenandshaun.com Nice job!
@snowpunk Hey welcome back to the swing of things. How’s it going?
@CasualRepartee @snowpunk Mac had me sold on hardware design. OSX or Windows makes no difference to me. I spend most of my day on the web.
@alphaconsumer @kristenlubbe I e-mailed [email protected] stating my bill is too high, can you help me lower it.
@danielmall Paranoid Android.
@Whitmoyer I felt the same way about that inspiration/salespitch from @nettuts
@farrelley Happy birthday! Are you coming to Refresh DC tonighT?
@CasualRepartee Spotlight works just fine for me.
@mwmanvt welcome to the Twitterverse
@mwmanvt The Twhirl desktop client has spellcheck built in.
@seclarke @Johnsonccra says it is an armadillo is.gd/p8nZ
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.