@MahaloToDo I’m looking for sites that let you customize desktops like pugetsystems.com/ and xicomputer.com/
@MahaloToDo I’m looking for sites that let you customize desktops like pugetsystems.com/ and xicomputer.com/
@mattbowen – Can’t decide at themoment, there are a lot on my shelf. Maybe iWoz, Gotcha Capitalism, or Blogging Heroes featuring @vagredajr
@dextr0us: Why is Diggnation on Cnet?
@darkmatt3r because Twitter gives us a way to feel important
@jgarber Are you talking about camera batteries? Go generic -> tinyurl.com/2e4w4e
@JasonCalacanis Digg does a lame job with podcasts. there needs to be something that keeps things fresh, the most popular has been static.
@chrisvanpatten What’s your movie premise?
@dextr0us What’s wrong with Super Mario Brothers?
@jgarber Mantis is a pretty good bug tracking system.
@vagredajr is my blogging hero.
@dextr0us The only one who can give you a Hulu invite is hulu itself.
@jfc3 My latest blog post is for you. Enjoy the pics!
@toddz Would gladly love to trade!
@brownpau Bloglines isn’t doing too bad according to this -> urltea.com/1sww My poor feedreader of choice netvibes could be be …
@ChrisVanPatten if you guranteed to use the Wilhelm scream tinyurl.com/2bh8s
@frankjonen Don’t use those programs very much but there is inkscape urltea.com/1pk6
@frankjonen True that. Adobe is so bloated! Bleh!
@charliepark I’ve played Settlers of Catan before. It’s like Warcraft but a boardgame.
@chrisvanpatten VEGAS!
@chrisvanpatten Sort of unrelated but a guy in my class in college got the movie voiceover guy to do the voiceover for his portfolio
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.