@eighty5original Ask Chris to explain it to you.
@eighty5original Ask Chris to explain it to you.
@chrisvanpatten @dextr0us does!
@chrisvanpatten Congrats on the internship news!
@gfrphoto I’m in the same boat as you
@frankjonen That is an awesome blog.
@vagreda Happy Birthday
@gfrphoto What lens are you getting?
@frankjonen I too have hated Adobe for quite some time.
@dextr0us Vegas 8 just launched 😉
@dextr0us Screw the Animation codec
@jgarber kingkool68 at da gmail! Let me kick dem tired
@frankjonen For SMS to WordPress try Postie -> tinyurl.com/yreya5
@frankjonen You could also use Twitter Tools which will post a blog everytime you tweet.
@vagredajr Excellent Idea! @gfrphoto If it gets too expensive I’ll let you know!
@jgarber If you forget to add a ; to the end of a CSS property Safari goes wild!
@eighty5original When did I speak of sheets?
@jgarber Looks awesome. Hope I can get on the private beta for this.
@charliepark Welcome to the MD traffic jam.
@dextr0us I know Perian supports FLV playback is there any way to export FLv’s from it? urltea.com/1gvj
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.