@kfromcopylang Autonomy
@kfromcopylang Autonomy
@mbostock Getting endless redirect error when trying to view blocks bl.ocks.org/andredumas/27c4a333b…
@chriscoyier they should call it a moon landing
@AlexStandiford From SQL tables to wooden tables?
@dimensionmedia error establishing a database connection
@chriscoyier “A ‘cloud’ function is one that we call on demand from a URL” aka PHP
@zachleat Go to editor.method.ac/
Open the SVG (Go to View –> Source, where you can paste in the SVG markup)
Under the Sizes dropdown on the right select Fit to Content
@mattcampux Wouldn’t have happened if it was an NFT
@MLBMetrics “year older”
This game is easy.
@farrelley @GooglePixel_US @Verizon @googlefi Verizon is such a headache. Check out mint mobile which I think is cheaper.
@CatholicMcGee @fugularity Huge wuss. Helps my chances of survival.
@fugularity Actually being inundated with No Fear shirts worn by douche bags is probably why
@dbchhbr ** writes infinite while loop to append <div> to every page requested **
@dimensionmedia NAILED IT!
Blog post: coderpad.io/blog/development/glo…
@fugularity Maybe it was the earthquake?
@fugularity Native American tailor
@walpolea @ShopTalkShow The very first webpage still holds up some 31 years later… info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/ThePr…
@MikeNGarrett Wow is there something in the water that day that two sets of twins live right next to each other?
@MikeNGarrett I can only imagine how much worse twin boys would be
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.