@fugularity Says the man who gets thrown in a tizzy when you eat 3 more nuts than usual 3.5 minutes later than schedule and now YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO MOW THE LAWN IN TIME!
@mattcampux Sounds like an agency
@babysoftluke Bet you wouldn’t mind if you saw the biggest piece of human excrement on a scooter
@TheGreenGreek Bought the standing desk legs from Ikea and made my own top.
@shortxstack There are a few marketing positions open at CoderPad
Happy to answer any questions!
@mattcampux Also you’re going to need this hammacher.com/product/space-savi…
@mattcampux Best Buy?
@dbchhbr Green pepper and some sort of meat
@novarideout ✅ All good!
@fugularity The more MVPs you win the less valuable each award becomes.
@neojp Oooo I get it
@neojp Is it Jenkins?
@ChrisVanPatten BuT tHe EcOnOmY!1!
@bradparbs That’s awesome to hear. Are you worried about situations where a site wants to go through a visual refresh but every page is some unique unicorn of a page that it becomes like the days of authoring web pages by hand again? The standardization from themes helped combat that issue.
@babysoftluke @templedao Are you going to collectively buy a temple?
@williamsba An out of this world one
@dbchhbr @wpengine @wpcli Things get hairy once you scale out to 2+ servers
@jensimmons In CSS I take “initial” to mean the value that was previously set. Thought I’m not sure how you could easily figure that out. I can’t think of a time when I used the “initial” value.
@MrVoicer @gijovarghese141 There is one. It’s 12 years old. Here’s a comment that’s summarizes where things are at
@gijovarghese141 Then there is Encute from @markjaquith