@Stammy cointracker.io/ does this. I just like it to see how much my total assets are in one place.
@fugularity That look when you drop your phone on the pavement and then race down to survey the damage…
@mihai_iova @YmirApp from @twigpress is open ymirapp.com/reports
@noaheverett Smaller chunks, for sure.
@skeevis For a mere fee of $1.76
@tkbalt @freshyill Maybe something related to this…
@swyx @yongfook @ahrefs I mean what if your site is setup to redirect /page/ to /page ?
@yongfook Same feeling when I added instant.page/ to @CoderPad’s marketing site
@mattcampux There’s still time
@TheGreenGreek @estellevw I use a Chrome extension to quickly switch JavaScript on and off
There is also 12ft.io/ for getting around payalls.
@dbchhbr I remember the glory days of @AtomEditor and seeing CSON…
@mattcampux Your phone doesn’t rock when you lay it on a table
@ChrisVanPatten Merge, deploy, repeat. Oh! That reminds me. I need to go deploy something right quick…
@lynnandtonic No one mentioned Silver Surfer?
@mattmedeiros “cheesesteak”
@babysoftluke Are you going to support recurring event rules?
@brandonsavage 14 inch