@caseydriscoll You should drive the entire route 70 from Colorado to Baltimore
@AlexStandiford Your living situation is akin to my coding style
@dbanksDesign Chrome dev tools show these little icons next to some of the alignment properties
@dbchhbr flying-press.com/ from the author of wpspeedmatters.com/
@MinaMarkham I’ve had this one for a few years amzn.to/39aBOVH
You can toss it in the dryer to fluff it back up if it gets too flat.
@enqueue_russ @WooThemes I wouldn’t be where I am today without Kubrick
@mgrdcm “Oh no! You can’t go to school because you’re a teapot”
@rossk Have you tried growing a mustache?
@desandro Mr Ed would be a show about a neighing human…
@dbchhbr FREE! But the interesting thing is if you don’t have insurance your results will take 3-5 business days or you can pay $150 for same day results.
@EmmaBostian The Refined GitHub browser extension does this for me automagically. Among other handy things.
@photomatt Is @automattic going to let @Cloudup wither and die on the vine?
@shaundai “Russell Heimlich, like the maneuver”
@adam_greenough Running multiple monitors on an M1 is way harder than it needs to be. See reviewgeek.com/75284/everything-…
@skeevis Yea this happened to my wife’s plant too. Then she stopped watering and generally paying attention to them and now they’re doing great!
@Chad_R_Stewart Why don’t you post it and disable comments?
@QuinnyPig AWS themed Dr. Seuss book please
@ShopTalkShow Interview Dave in a suit is nightmare fuel
@FrontendHorse @CoderPad is looking for crazy awesome frontend engineers jobs.lever.co/coderpad/83485b70-…
We’re also looking for Ruby on Rails devs among others coderpad.io/careers/
@dbchhbr The quiet era begins!