– hey how did your hackathon go?
– not too bad, we got Babel set up
– yep…
– yep.
– hey how did your hackathon go?
– not too bad, we got Babel set up
– yep…
– yep.
“7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1)” by @erikdkennedy medium.com/@erikdkennedy/7-rules…
remember when a parody version of the hit adventure game ‘Myst’ featuring john goodman was a viable product t.co/g2TrPscQPh
Your Social Media Fingerprint robinlinus.github.io/socialmedia…
I’m posting a lot of #maps. Sometimes these can be misleading. Always think twice when looking at a #map! t.co/dbs68tQlEE
Verizon’s ‘unlimited’ PopData scheme is all kinds of bullshit androidpolice.com/2016/10/13/ver…
AMP grants Google dictatorial control over HTML, and I do not trust Google to be benevolent dictators. news.ycombinator.com/item?id=127…
love @verge’s new design
I asked a Trump supporter about fading support for him in the ‘burbs. Her response: ‘Polls are for skiers and strippers’
A true JavaScript expert news.ycombinator.com/item?id=126…
Moderators were good tonight.
Sorry, rest of the World. We’re embarrassed too. #debate
I think “SNL” should just give the staff a week off and just re-run this. #debate
you could use AMP. Or you could just not make each page a fucking gigabyte of pictures and crap.
.@Astroguyz @kingkool68 Alright stop, evacuate and listen
It baffles me that anyone could misinterpret being in favour of progressive enhancement as being against JavaScript. It’s the opposite.
I am so angry at this slide at the moment 😮 twitter.com/LocalSourceNL/status…
We are looking for PHP contributors for EasyEngine v4! More details- ow.ly/uoBA304UtNE
Everytime you see a captcha, that is a developer deciding that a spambot is a user problem, not a developer problem. – @adactio #aeaorl
Imperative languages, while more powerful than declarative, are also more fragile. HTML and CSS are more resilient than JavaScript. #AEAORL
Author. Web Standards Godfather. Designer @Automattic. Founder & Publisher @AListApart. Co-Founder/Host @AnEventApart. Publisher @ABookApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.