One problem with being a web generalist is that every conference looks interesting.
DC’s WordPress, PHP & jQuery groups are looking for sponsors for our 3rd annual open source BBQ on June 18: [email protected] #dctech #ossbbq
Every website has two dream killers: the organization and the ads.
Color value info. Search results includes shades, possible palettes and color blindness simulator.
Programmers: Don’t write a blogging platform, write a damn post.
If your company/startup would like to sponsor #OSSBBQ & provide giveaways, let us know.
Lots of great pics from last night’s git workshop meetup. Thanks for uploading @roguevoice!
@kingkool68 if by trees you mean internet, and by kissing you mean sexting, then yes
The crew at @fathomcreative are sketching in prep for #OSSBBQ and it looks awesome: @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
This presentation explains the wonders of @pewresearch 🙂
“Very important business demands very important avatars.”
Research showed that bad typography doesn’t affect how much info you retain, but does affect your mood:… #cssconf
Web guy: “We can do rounded corners, gradients, and shadows in CSS now.” / Design guy: “Awesome! Check out my new flat design!” #outofsync
Have been notified by former coworker that new headers and footers are up on @usnews and they are looking sharp.
interesting take on the Yahoo–Tumblr deal
RT @nytimes: Creator of the GIF: “It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story.”
Shipping tweets doesn’t count.
As a non-gamer, what I think of everytime someone mentions playing Minecraft…
Reading comprehension for concepts longer than a tweet is at an all-time low.
It’s official – Yahoo acquires Tumblr for $1.1 billion, so now is a very good time to move to WordPress.