I’m on Team Rustin for the 2022 Mullet Championship.
He’s the youngest finalist and it looks like he has spent his whole life dedicated to perfecting his mullet. That is some true dedication.

I’m on Team Rustin for the 2022 Mullet Championship.
He’s the youngest finalist and it looks like he has spent his whole life dedicated to perfecting his mullet. That is some true dedication.
tldr: there’s more to Design than being a subset of Product.
When is dumb going to come back in vogue so I can feel smart again: Dumb phones, dumb cars, dumb TV, dumb appliances…
Q: “Why isn’t my cached JavaScript super-fast?”
A: webperf.tips/tip/cached-js-misco…
Remember it’s not GTM that’s slow – it’s what you put in it!
Tag Managers are just convenient ways to add JS to your page but it’s up to you what you put in them.
Here’s some tips on gaining back control:
tunetheweb.com/blog/adding-contr… twitter.com/Jammer_Volts/status/…
Back from vacation. Looking forward to a restful week of work.
August 13 was a good day #solar
HTML tips you won’t see in most tutorials:
Walking through a beach town grocery store with a 5 year old:
“Wow look at those American Girl doll cups”
(They’re shot glasses)
“Ooo and American Girl doll eggs!”
(Ping Pong balls)
PHP has ALWAYS lived up to its role in my stack as the fast, conservative, ubiquitous platform that just works and needs no server babysitting.
PHP lets me sleep at night, spend time with my family, or go on vacation without worrying that it’ll fail.
It has never failed me. twitter.com/PatrikTheDev/status/…
Watching couples lovingly embrace each other during a glorious sunset as I sprint by on my way to a porta potty before my 5 year old craps themselves
We used to say things like, “Don’t write a web server in PHP. Always use the right tool for the job.” Then we wrote web servers in JavaScript.
Okay, well, now that episode 4 of #TheRehearsal has aired, I have gone all in on it. I went a little … well, it’s a lot. I’m basically that Charlie Kelly string-and-pushpin gif by the end. vox.com/culture/23291914/rehears…
episode 4 of the rehearsal is truly crazy as hell 😭
Episode 4 of The Rehearsal is the most insane episode of television I have ever seen
Some days your work day consists of passing Slack messages back and forth to people
How to Prepare Your WordPress Site for PHP 8
How did we get to “fridge” from “refrigerator”? Where did that “d” come from?
New clause in my contract for web development work:
Client agrees until website is completed and launched to display a yard sign.
I think I set my alarm backwards. Couldn’t sleep. Then a soon as it went off… ZONK!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.