What did I do this weekend? June 11 – 12
– Soccer for the 5 year old
– Last soccer game for the 7 year old
– Team after party in our backyard
– I felt tired, achey, sick Saturday night

What did I do this weekend? June 11 – 12
– Soccer for the 5 year old
– Last soccer game for the 7 year old
– Team after party in our backyard
– I felt tired, achey, sick Saturday night
I remember being of preschool age typing commands on a Commodore 64 to play games. My parents wanted me to be good with computers. It worked! twitter.com/thisone0verhere/stat…
filmot.com <— Search any YouTube channel for any words they’ve ever said (by crawling YT’s subtitles) 😳 t.co/Ilt0HlR1ND
Hey, Twitterverse. Who has a personal website that has impressed or inspired you and what about it caught your attention?
Following #cssday tweets and I forgot how much I missed following conferences on Twitter
Here’s a fun thought exercise: Should billionaires be able to buy their own missiles which they could use to take out their corporate enemies? twitter.com/justinamash/status/1…
“Performance metrics collected from real websites using SSR rehydration indicate its use should be heavily discouraged. Ultimately, the reason comes down to User Experience: it’s extremely easy to end up leaving users in an ‘uncanny valley’.” web.dev/rendering-on-the-web/
I’m speaking at #CSSDay today about #Interop22. Find my slides, demos, and resources here noti.st/rachelandrew/MSFKri/inte…
“TablesNG is a multi-year effort, led by Chrome developer @atotic, to completely re-architect how tables are rendered on the web.”
‘That’s what we call websites now, multi page apps’ – @adactio #CSSDay
anyone wanna come work on my team?
– ’tis a dope job!
– the product is amazing
– the company and people are amazing
– the customers are amazing
– you will be amazing
RIP Atom. I used it for a hot second. Good stuff.
big performance wins achieved by removing react from websites that didn’t need react in the first place
hi friends!!!
I recently had my new grad offer rescinded 🙁 so here we are
If you or anyone you know is looking to hire an engineer who designs, i would love to chat!!!
mostly interested in early to mid stage startups in the tools space (dev, creative)
RT’s much appreciated t.co/Kk7Xb9rg8V
So this happened… Strattic has been acquired by @elemntor to offer Web Creators an all-in-one platform for building, publishing, and running stable and reliable, high-performance, secure websites, at scale: strattic.com/strattic-acquired-b…
Anyhoo I was able to get it down to 2.435 KiB
Why is your SVG logo so massive?
Google Chat has Slack-like reactions to messages now
In case anyone is wondering, Honey Vanilla Cheerios taste exactly like the crunchy bits from Lucky Charms
I feel like I’ve used every single PHP HTML DOM parsing library over the years. My current goto library is github.com/voku/simple_html_dom
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.