You’re welcome.
You’re welcome.
@yongfook There’s a course from @MrAhmadAwais
@hankchizljaw There’s a kids book that is just the lyrics amzn.to/3d4tuJb
The sweet child o’ mine did not like it
@freshyill @ShopTalkShow @chriscoyier Yeah but how many grapefruits were you able to snag?
@ShopTalkShow really enjoyed the fruit rant from @chriscoyier at the end of episode 491. If I was a fruit farmer I too would charge $1,000 per pineapple.🍍
@donw They could be a victim of their own success. People associate them with wellness and then flock to those brands and forget about grocery stores. Who gets shots at grocery stores?
Like CVS or Walgreens are all about health and wellness but trying to get an appointment there is a mess. And here is my local grocery store over here making it easy peasy.
It blows my mind how drop-dead simple it is to get vaccination shots at @Safeway No appointment, just walk up, fill out a form, and you’re done in 5 minutes.
P.S. I’m Covid-19 boosted now 💉
@sim_kern A spider. I’m from the Mid-Atlantic area.
@babysoftluke You mean without the ending “;”? Heck yeah it annoys me.
There is a lot of stupid ish other developers do that I can’t explain. I guess that means I’m not a web developer?
@karlgroves Now you can make all those old cars of yours more accessible and working.
@karlgroves Hell yeah! Way to go!
@mattcampux Post it on Twitter as the one true answer and read the replies
Do you version control the entire root directory of a WordPress site or just specific themes and plugins?
How I version control WordPress wp-config values for different environments in one repo
4 year old: I want to be a normal doctor, animal doctor, and castle owner
4 year old: What? You can have more than one job ya know!
@TheGreenGreek @PockyUSA Seconded
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.