@DrewAPicture @JJJ Appending the time a CSS or JS file was last updated when enqueueing instead of a random version number. I now never have to tell clients to refresh their browser to see the latest changes.
@DrewAPicture @JJJ Appending the time a CSS or JS file was last updated when enqueueing instead of a random version number. I now never have to tell clients to refresh their browser to see the latest changes.
@TheGreenGreek If you didn’t want to rely on 3rd party services you could code up add to calendar links yourself twitter.com/kingkool68/status/11…
@shaundai I’ve had it forever since I was an early adopter to Google Music. Love the family option now as the kids watch so much YouTube.
No not that @plex… twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1408…
@bpeebles 5G certainly makes it easier to track them
Looks like my 7 year old desktop PC won’t be able to run Windows 11 when it comes out. And I don’t really care.
@shortxstack Reminds me of playing I Spy with the four year old. Our first guess is always right. Seems to get lost after the I part and before the Spy part.
Remember? I used it as a design feature mrhhs.russellheimlich.com/ twitter.com/WebDesignMuseum/stat…
@chriscoyier Melt it!
@davatron5000 I actually think this little news weather widget thing that popped up is quite useful
@ppk Chrome seems to obey for me.
“Time.is displays exact, official atomic clock time for any time zone (more than 7 million locations) in 52 languages”
What a neat little useful site
@ppk You mean the setting “Show scrollbars” set to Always?
Wow I never realized how good I was at Spanish because I understood almost everything they were saying… twitter.com/shelbyspees/status/1…
@davatron5000 @github Is there a link explaining this somewhere?
@jcasabona Congrats on becoming a basketball team!
@miked1ck Things get even weirder at age 6
it would be pretty cool if you got merit badges at work and when you get a certain number of badges you get to level up (aka a raise)
@babysoftluke Maybe they would do better if they used Bootstrap
@smarty Just swap it for this
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.