The best way to end the week: two bowls of Coo000ookie Crisp for breakfast.
New blog post: Another Late Night Another Sunset
Getting home late all I want to do is watch some Olympics after a day of fixing bugs and eating gummy bears.
bringing in my MacBook Pro to work to squash bugs before launch
Apparently it’s cheaper to film New York City scenes in Philly:
I really dig this candid child shot
loves when his nails are cut. Mmmm
Mad Balls are making a comeback
New blog post: Combat Roach Gel Kills Cockroaches
Oh man i wish I was still sleeping.
fixing bugs before a big launch
New blog post: Sunset At New York Avenue
Any .htaccess experts out there… How can I redirect a url with a # in it like …image.jpg#anchor so it goes to something else?
I solved my Digg redirect dilemma and will blog about it tomorrow! Now it is time to go to bed!
@charliepark Thanks! And thank god for WP-Cache. Things seem to be holding up well and I’m glad I could direct people to my actual blog post
Got myself a huge cup of ice before I hunker down for the afternoon.
Stunning photo of the day ->…
At Shoppers food wharehouse looking for tahini sauce. What is tahini sauce anyways?
Watching the Bob Sagat Roast on Comedy Central.
Hooray! My blog made it to the front page of Digg Oh wait, it’s just a pic link. lame.