@malchata I’m just here to reminisce about Athlon XP
@malchata I’m just here to reminisce about Athlon XP
@MrAhmadAwais underscore hack for IE6. Nuff said.
Little man had a rough time getting himself back to sleep but he eventually figured it out and this is how I found him.
📸 instagram.com/p/CLvkg8QMwas/ via tweet.photo
@daljo628 @photomatt If you’re using Unifi APs and need PoE you’ll need a separate switch regardless of which dream machine you go with.
@daljo628 @photomatt The UDM Pro supports higher throughput with IDS turned on.
Here’s an in depth comparison michaelkummer.com/tech/udm-pro-r…
@luke__duncan @dominos You should make a Shopify extension for that
@rossk @cdw9 They killed it in 2019 wired.com/story/dashboard-macos-…
Long live Konfabulator!
@Rmmmsy I basically learned git using @smartgithg and it was hard to move on for the longest time. Fork is pretty similar.
@Wordridden @adactio Happy birthday @adactio and thank you for championing the web!
Can you do a pose like this?
@Rmmmsy Fork is great git-fork.com/
@bpeebles Abominable (2019)
@krisnova Aim. And the fact that right now so many people depend on me that I need to drop everything and help them.
Naturally I go to release some pent up frustration and the universe whips up a slice of humble pie for me. One of my more important life moments actually did post correctly…
May your days be productive chasing whatever drives your curiosity!
@marckohlbrugge I’m really disappointed you sold tweet.photo It never works anymore even though my accounts are connected. I wish someone would just give a shit.
Today Vera completed 4 rotations around the sun. To celebrate we rented out an entire movie theater at 6:45pm on a Wednesday night for her and a few of her classmates. I’ve never had a more enjoyable time in a theater…
📸 instagram.com/p/CLtDJoBMgWn/ via tweet.photo
@brianboyer @whet Your kid will be mesmerized by videos of grown adults playing with toys and you will be mesmerized at how many views they can rack up in 2 weeks.
@dave_poore @Stammy It’s pretty noticeable on Android going from 120Hz to 60Hz on my wife’s phone.
@jfc3 Not a bad day for a birthday! Have a good one.
@Rmmmsy All that money just so you could possibly hear “I wonder what his butt smells like” forever and ever
@round Is this what people without kids do for fun?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.