Number of people reading newspapers in the bathroom: 2!
Expect to see me in a U.S.News & World Report video — talking about corn!
Any JavaScript wizards out there? I need some help updating an input field as another one is changing…
WTF! Adobe AIR applications cease to open with the Beta 3. Lame, lame, lame!
@dextr0us: Why is Diggnation on Cnet?
Building wide holiday party with a ton of food. Woo hoo, free lunch for me today!
Flippin stuffed from Holiday party food!
@darkmatt3r because Twitter gives us a way to feel important
Enogh work on the Google Charts GUI for today, time to head home and then off to College Park for the night.
New blog post: 5 MP3 Related Freeware Apps
Man, the middle click on my 5 year old Microsoft wireless mouse seems to be malfunctioning.
Just saw a woman on the Fort Totten metro platform using the pay phone. Weird.
I wish I had some great insight to share with the twitter crowd. But i’m dry right now.
Can’t minimize TweetR or it will mysteriously dissapear!
some good work done today. Time to go home and have dinner, I skipped lunch!
My Zune came, hooray!
Hi, my name is punch you in the face.
Cake at 11am. Grande!
New blog post: Mound Of Cake
3 minutes until meeting… what to do? What to do?