Lots of things to do at work recently!
Going to grab some lunch and mail off a package
Anything exciting on the Internet today?
Bigfoot … breeds with anything -> tinyurl.com/2yfah4
New blog post: Garden Pot House tinyurl.com/253jjy
Listening to a MacBreak Tech all about Quicksilver. I still see it as an app launcher.
hmmm should I upgrade OSX on my PowerBook that meets the absolute minimum specs?
With the Xbox 360, the number of devices within a 10ft radius capable of playing Doom = 5!
Went to clean my sensor this eveining and my bottle of Eclipse solution evaporated!
New blog post: New Super Telephoto Lenses From Canon tinyurl.com/27b2ed
Put up 4 auctions on eBay including a Sigma 70-300mm lens -> urltea.com/1ra7
New blog post: An Interview With Memeber Of Ecovillage tinyurl.com/2h94vz
Happy Blog Action Day!
Worst graph ever -> tinyurl.com/2zkfrv
I am on AIM though a coworker was randomly booted off.
Apparently wearing khakis and a collard shirt makes people at work think I’m applying for a job elsewhere. The truth: I have no clean jeans
getting freelance from people at work? Wait shouldn’t I be doing work work?
Woo hoo! All necessary Xbox 360 parts arrived. I’ll give the thing a whirl a bit later.
I’m on Xbox live now gamertag = kingkool68
Kristina has weakness for anything wrapped in shiny paper. Costco was made for women. Russell = bored.