The xbox 360 project is almost complete. Just need cable to go from wall to power brick. Agh!
Costco gas is $2.51. Everywhere else is way more expensive. Costco ftw.
New blog post: Humdinger On A Hill
Kristina has weakness for anything wrapped in shiny paper. Costco was made for women. Russell = bored.
At a college volleyball game. The female Maryland volleyball players are freakishly tall.
Time to write some blogsfor the queue
New blog post: Hide The Pink Shirt Guy
Crap I forgot to eat lunch again. Hmm when will a window open up.
Apparently there was a copy of Bioshock for the Xbox 360 on the free shelf at work! How did I miss it? WTF?!?!
@ChrisVanPatten if you guranteed to use the Wilhelm scream
New blog post: Football Photography Tips
The weather is glorious and seasonal again. No more sweating in a sweltering apartment.
Taking more Filipino sports photos tonight unless it rains (chocolate rain!) Sorry couldn’t help it.
Xbox 360 AV Cables were missing two prongs but seller will send out more tomorrow. I’m still going to bid on a new auction for parts.
I am officially addicted to eBay
It’s so hot and sticky in my apartment I need to wash my face multiple times after getting home from work and going to bed.
@frankjonen True that. Adobe is so bloated! Bleh!
@frankjonen Don’t use those programs very much but there is inkscape
and found this OSS InDesign alternative -> Don’t know how desperate you are?
Went to bed late, wake up early? WTF Mate!