@ADHDeanASL @mommajessiec Hay Neighbor

@ADHDeanASL @mommajessiec Hay Neighbor
👇👇👇 THIS twitter.com/polevaultweb/status/…
@xssfox @Audiox2002 And now it works fine. Weird.
@xssfox Interesting I saw you liked my retweet but I had to do it in the mobile web client. Clicking the notifications icon in the Android Twitter app results in a force close. Maybe because your handle contains xss? Seems weird.
tl;dr Build and deployment scripts are in a git repo. A pull request is made modifying the build and deployment scripts. When the pull request is opened a build is started to run tests etc. The modified build script deploys a malicious file live to production. twitter.com/xssfox/status/136228…
@brianboyer The only news product I regularly use is NPRs News Now because it’s updated hourly and only 5 minutes long. Perfect for a smart speaker. I wish there were more like it.
@tkadlec I feel like lighting makes a big difference. Shining a desk lamp off of a white wall made a huge difference.
@anthonydpaul Schrodinger’s WiFi
@MikeNGarrett @neojp Woke up to the boy smacking my face and giggling. Had a dream I had a Dad meetup at my childhood home and Vladimir Putin came. He tried to pull an Irish goodbye but I wouldn’t let him.
@neojp @MikeNGarrett 9 month old is deciding to scream his head off right now. So that’s fun.
@JTI519 Can’t you just print one out from a printer?
@MikeNGarrett Cleaning up vomit multiple times in a night is probably the peak of parenting grossness.
@davatron5000 Dear Uncle Dave,
Listening to you and @chriscoyier talk about monitors on @ShopTalkShow has caused me to obsessively research the intricacies of monitor tech. Sooo a question for you…
Is a refresh rate higher than 100hz worth it for day to day dev work? No gaming
@freshyill We kept going through cheaper wired headphones that would break. Eventually the kids broke the headphone jack and thus we moved to bluetooth headphones.
Two screens like an ipad and the TV? The wife puts her foot down and always kicks the kids off the tv.
Valentine’s Day Night, 2021.
📸 instagram.com/p/CLUR2vcMQld/ via tweet.photo
@neojp I see. tweets.kingkool68.com/tweet/1093…
(The original tweet got deleted)
@neojp I have no idea what’s going on here
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Source: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_… twitter.com/RickWrightNow/status…
@claygriffiths @dimensionmedia @chriscoyier @TablePlus @LocalWP Nice. I’ll have to give that a try.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.