@dextr0us Screw the Animation codec
Time to head home and eat some dinner. I’m hungry like a pirate yarrr!
@jgarber kingkool68 at da gmail! Let me kick dem tired
Eagles vs. Redskins with the roomates. I’m searching for more Canon lenses… ooo a 80-400mm!
YAML Builder is downright amazing for building quick page layouts on the fly -> builder.yaml.de/
The ultimate (X)TML Best Practice Guide -> tinyurl.com/2e6x9v Learn this and love this!
Burger day!
Random people are texting me from a demo iPhone at the Apple Store. Feel free to do whatever you want with 1-301-312-5527
Wow i have no podcasts or video podcasts to entertain me on my ride home.
Going to try and go to sleep so I can go to work bright and early
Getting my butt kicked in Facebook scrabble by my roomate
New blog post: New Shirts In The Mozilla Store tinyurl.com/2bld69
Home time!
New blog post: Behind The Scenes Of An E-Commercer Start-Up tinyurl.com/ywx8ky
@frankjonen For SMS to WordPress try Postie -> tinyurl.com/yreya5
Feeling uninspired. Going outside to take some pictures with my new Tamron 28-70mm f2.8 lens.
@frankjonen You could also use Twitter Tools which will post a blog everytime you tweet.
I went out and took pictures around Kristina’s apartment. Felt good to take pictures. Wish I could afford more fancy camera stuff.
Dear world, please stop buying all of the crap at malls. You don’t really need it.
lazy day or relaxing and such…