Look it is a photo of John Foster from MacBreak Tech -> tinyurl.com/ywj8vr . I always wondered what he looked like!
New blog post: Problems In Comcast Internet Land tinyurl.com/ytaf7o
Sweet! Found a copy of Seth Godin’s “The Dip” on the free bookshelf at work.
There was also a laughable “Don’t Mess With Texas” book about Texas pop culture.
Half price burgers with other people than USNewsers.
New blog post: SuperNova.org Relaunches Thanks To Pirates tinyurl.com/26gtje
New blog post: Suishi Photo Shoot tinyurl.com/ysly3x
New blog post: Funny Pictures From Around The Blogosphere tinyurl.com/ysyegq
listening to some The Sea And Cake and i really need to pee1 The two are not related.
New blog post: Crowded Platform At Metro Center tinyurl.com/yvwum2
New blog post: How To Draw Thom Yorke In 7 Minutes tinyurl.com/ytnpnh
New blog post: Have A Blog? Take Action! tinyurl.com/2by9uy
Grocery store is packed on Sunday night. I just need to get milk.
@jgarber Dreamhost is pretty laggy for me today.
USNews is getting hammered with Best Colleges traffic
New blog post: Organizing Photos On The Train tinyurl.com/2b5ux6
New blog post: The Apple iTop? tinyurl.com/25fov9
Busy day at work today. We are launching Best Colleges in the eveining.
Comcast has 10 minutes to make it on time for my scheduled appointment. Heh. Fat chance that will happen.
Woo Hoo! USNews Best Colleges is Live! usnews.com/usnews