@chipcullen Pro tip: Don’t make a 1024 x 1024 multiplication table right before a meeting…
@chipcullen Pro tip: Don’t make a 1024 x 1024 multiplication table right before a meeting…
@ChrisWiegman I remember shopping for a mattress in person. Laid down on it in the store while the sales person awkwardly looks on. “Yea this one seems good enough.”
@ChrisWiegman I’ve purchased several Zinus mattresses and they have been great zinus.com/
They’re a great value compared to the other swarms of mattress companies out there.
There is also the Wirecutter’s guide to fall back to nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/b…
@mattcampux Round is a shape
@mattcampux Back in the day Firebug was new and completely changed everything. Can you imagine doing web development without any debugging tools?
DATE NIGHT! at Walmart Christmas shopping.
All of them chose PHP twitter.com/photomatt/status/133…
@dan_spratling My dumpster fire of a desk setup
@heydonworks @Fanfanaway Jackpot!
@enqueue_russ WordPress is for people who want to update plugins once an hour…
@dimensionmedia Ahhh I think I see the problem. Something wrong with the footer…
@meklitgebre @chachovaladez Proof they actually do have cookies at some point
@NguyetV Someone gave me one of these as a secret Santa gift this year. I was so relieved it wasn’t a sewing kit.
@bpeebles @capitalweather I just wish it would snow
@randallb Welcome to the good side
@round I think you tweeted out about a site you can drag a slider to increase or decrease the amount of text. Similar to the build your own bio feature on this site: chriscoyier.net/
@taupecat @NFL I wouldn’t mind NFL on every weeknight instead of a bunch of games on Sunday
@EmmaBostian I mean yea for the past 5 years or so…
@wpmodder @ShopTalkShow podcast, Twitter mostly
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.