Whoa that’s a full modal. All the way. Double modal. Oh my god. It’s a double modal all the way. Whoa that’s so intense.

Whoa that’s a full modal. All the way. Double modal. Oh my god. It’s a double modal all the way. Whoa that’s so intense.
Squeezing his buddy Big Bird that Vera gave him.
📸 instagram.com/p/CE_061eMtUY/ via tweet.photo
She decided to trace her letters all by herself.
📸 instagram.com/p/CE_z0gMsvRm/ via tweet.photo
@ChrisVanPatten @zefrank 2006 was good times. Just Ask a Ninja about it.
@enqueue_russ Using WordOps to setup full page caching via Redis. This is probably cheating since this is server configuration.
@aaronjorbin Are there Junior Directors?
@dvassallo You can save a lot of money in taxes if you don’t pay them. Well, that works for a little bit.
@davatron5000 Spreadsheets are what led me into tinkering with JavaScript
@jason_coleman max_connections refers to the number of connections MySQL will accept from an app. WordPress’ $wpdb makes one connection to the MySQL server and then keeps it up for all the queries run during the request.
@randallb Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog
@QuinnyPig Let me know if you ever need help making it run better
@d_feldman @QuinnyPig Doesn’t everyone have an adult-sized pogo stick?
@QuinnyPig Russell Heimlich, like the maneuver. Full stack WordPress developer who has dabbled in some AWS. My side projects include 3 kids and a wife who has heard one too many Dad jokes. I’m left handed.
@jessabean I want a PayPal
@QuinnyPig @imduffy15 @ubnt Wyze cams are $20, you can put SD cards in them to record everything if you need to go back, and then use your phone to view the feed.
@airdeck It was probably weird for my parents when they started teaching Power Point in school
The first thing my daughter learned in kindergarten was to mute her microphone when she wasn’t talking. The teacher went over what all of the Google Meet icons were.
I hook my 2017 MacBook Pro up to my Vava dock. It used to start charging the computer, no further action required. Now I need to unplug the power cable from the dock and plug it back in before my laptop starts charging. Nothing has changed (maybe a MacOS software update) WTF!
First day of virtual kindergarten and the class is learning how to mute and unmute Google Meet.
Wondering if the class is available to do private sessions with my coworkers 😎
@cdharrison I got one of the surveys to do that. Could’ve made $150 but I need to sell junk via Facebook Marketplace
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.