I love showing the #WordPress admin to people that have never used it before, especially those coming from a proprietary CMS.
I love showing the #WordPress admin to people that have never used it before, especially those coming from a proprietary CMS.
Nice to see a pretty good story in @HuffingtonPost shooting down #WordPress myths huffingtonpost.com/kristen-thoma… kudos @KTselli
Content strategists, PMs, designers, developers… @wordcampbalt tickets on sale! baltimore.wordcamp.org/2015/tick… #wordpress #ui #mobile #themes
Announcement time! Starting next month, I’ll be teaching #WordPress for developers classes at @GA_DC! [1/3]
People as far as the eye can see at WordCamp Lancaster
#wclanc #wp #wordpress #wordcamp instagram.com/p/zpc6pwDe9K/
“Write everyday. Define your voice.” – Eric Mann #wpdc #wordpress @ The Wonder Bread Factory instagram.com/p/vPUmG6je92/
Hey #wordpress and/or #ona people… I want to present. What should I talk about? What do you wish someone would explain?
Is there a list of #WordPress functions that don’t use WP_Object_Cache? cc/@danielbachhuber @nacin
24 Hours of Live Streaming WordPress Presentations. This is gonna be sick! wordsesh.org/ #WordPress #WordSesh
What I want to see in the Twenty Thirteen theme bit.ly/VI2hPy #wordpress
Cities: project by @AccessibleJoe to make accessible #WordPress themes. Get involved! (I am!) accessiblejoe.com/cities/
Say hello to the new default #WordPress theme, Twenty Twelve bit.ly/RVIQlK
Plz RT: If you care about #WordPress #accessibility, @DavidAKennedy is working on an accessible #WP theme. Tweet him w/ yr ideas.
Announcing Social 2.5 for #WordPress. Sorry about the long blog post, we created too many awesome new features. alexking.org/?p=13494
Make #WordPress Accessibility make.wordpress.org/accessibility… #a11y #GAAD
@WordPressDC Will be streaming live on fathomTV bit.ly/IKRZTw #WordPress #DC #Meetups @nacin @anthonydpaul @aaronjorbin @kingkool68
Hey #WordPress devs! Want to help someone I know fix their site? Shouldn’t take more than an hour by my guess. Just need to change a db valu
RT @byersalex: It would appear that iowagop.org/caucus is ‘Just Another #WordPress site’. Change your taglines, folks.
Improving Co-Authors Plus Plugin wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/36… #wordpress #help cc @danielbachhuber
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.