@twigpress @YmirApp What’s the most cost effective way to run serverless PHP with gd support?
@twigpress @YmirApp What’s the most cost effective way to run serverless PHP with gd support?
@twigpress @YmirApp @pjrvs Psst… You should link to your Ymir blog. People might click on it.
@twigpress @YmirApp Take a screenshot, use the ie11 frame, send to client with message “I dunno looks fine to me”
@wordpress_punk @twigpress Yea but why would you do that?
@twigpress Sprig brings Twig into WordPress in a completely WordPressy way…
– Escaping functions as Twig filters
– WordPress form helper functions as Twig functions
– Simple WordPress filters to extend Twig to do whatever you need
– Not bloated like Timber
@twigpress Is there a live working example somewhere? I kinda want to see what gets outputted.
@twigpress @go_around I can’t understand putting up with CloudFront when there are better AND cheaper options out there.
@ericmikkelsen81 @twigpress In theory Sprig will be lighter as there is less PHP stuff being translated for Twig. They both use Twig and you can enable or disable Twig caching. I don’t enable Twig caching and haven’t noticed a significant difference rendering pages. I let the full page cache handle caching.
@brad_frost I wrote a bare bones Twig integration for WordPress called Sprig github.com/kingkool68/sprig
I was inspired by @twigpress’ article about generating HTML templates for WordPress carlalexander.ca/designing-class…
@twigpress wp_dev_pluck()
@twigpress Yea API Gateway was designed for text and dealing with any sort of binary data was a real pain. I ended up using Lambda@Edge as part of CloudFront to work around those issues for media. Or you could just use developer.wordpress.com/docs/pho… to handle resizing 😜
@twigpress You can resize images as a separate Lambda function. I built something to resize images on demand pulling/saving from an S3 bucket github.com/spiritedmedia/tachyon…
@twigpress To the S3! Aka Amazon Unlimited FTP Server
@twigpress Ohhhh! Makes sense!
@twigpress Oh Google and your personalized recommendations.
@twigpress I think your dev site has been hacked. Try googling: site:carlalexander.ca note at the top
It’s a bunch of PDFs.
@colin_howells @TimberWP Then I read carlalexander.ca/designing-class… from @twigpress and it clicked that you want to pass data to function and let it render the data into a template so it can be reuseable and not tied to WordPress post. It can be reused with different data dynamically or statically.
@aaronjorbin You have the same birthday as @twigpress
@twigpress @polevaultweb @tobyschrapel @FelicianoTech @joemcgill @rzen @circleci Ooo nice. I’m doing a CircleCI 1.0 to 2.0 migration and this will be a nice example to look at
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.