WordPress.com is teaming up with @googlenewsinit @lenfestinst @civil @knightfdn @spiritedmediaco @fundjournalism on a new platform for digital news startups: en.blog.wordpress.com/2019/01/14…
WordPress.com is teaming up with @googlenewsinit @lenfestinst @civil @knightfdn @spiritedmediaco @fundjournalism on a new platform for digital news startups: en.blog.wordpress.com/2019/01/14…
@photomatt Happy birthday. I’m curious. What ever happened to the galleries of photos on your site?
So what happens if there is a provision in that bill that would end the shutdown and open the government and the President signs it? twitter.com/markknoller/status/1…
@kclarke_ @mattcampux Must be Chrome optimized…
@kevinmarks I’ve got a cron job that pulls in my tweets every 15 minutes to tweets.kingkool68.com/
@davatron5000 Is 42 an acceptable answer?
@kevinmarks Can you go the other way? Post to Twitter than capture it back to your own site?
@fugularity So it’s settled. We shall start a GoFund me to start our own Major League Baseball team.
@fugularity yeaaa and wrapped in a jumbo slice to make like a warm juicy blanket for it and then you eat it like a burrito
@fugularity Eat a cheesesteak
@bpeebles You can handle the frontend stuff and I’ll write the python.
@bpeebles flex box my dude
An open book layout with just HTML and CSS.
@iwilsonjr I’m about to turn into Sid and show them who’s the boss here…
When your home alone and then the kids toys start talking 😬 😬 😬
“blank vhs covers were kinda beautiful”
@ppk @cameronmoll @patrick_h_lauke I probably started dabbling on Angelfire or Geocities around then. My earliest site I managed to save mdskate.russellheimlich.com
I’m looking to take on a few more consulting projects in 2019. You can find out what I do here: allinthehead.com/work-with-me
(Appreciate any RTs or project leads!)
If you’ve ever
1) Wanted to watch me stand-in front of a podium whilst my jaw flails wildly about
2) Will be in DC on Tuesday January 15
then do I have good news for you!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.