@wpengine @HeyFlywheel I wonder what this means for @LocalbyFlywheel , my favorite WordPress local environment tool.
@aaronjorbin @andybelldesign @bamadesigner I fly jumbo jets for funsies.
@dcjavascript @UGroupSocial @jackpkoppa Groovy! Thank ya!
@dcjavascript @UGroupSocial @jackpkoppa I know it’s probably late but can I get on the RSVP list?
@dimensionmedia @9to5toys @9to5Google @TechCrunch Looks like pewresearch.org is affected too
A lot of larger #WordPress sites (@9to5toys @9to5Google @TechCrunch) have reverted to default themes, among other issues. Thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏻 t.co/3utx8zfuFH
@tessak22 @getpantheon @CircleCI @circleCI is awesome
@kylietimpani @hellogeri @chriscoyier It was the first time looking at the source of a React project on GitHub where it was easy to read and follow along.
@CityGirlLuv @cdharrison Hey @pewresearch / @mpiccorossi, need someone like this?
@nacin @noeltock They’ve solved many enterprisey problems so bundling them all together as one offering makes a lot sense. I know I’ve used several of them when working on @spiritedmediaco
@jfc3 @AccessibilityDC @AccessibleJoe @joedolson @nacin @aaronjorbin @DavidAKennedy I don’t have direct experience but wordpress.org/plugins/charitable… might work
HUGE! @StateDept relaunches their website on @WordPress! Peace out @drupal – helloooooooo WP! state.gov/ #WordPress
@jason_coleman @williamsba @JJJ Maybe? It’s all over the place
@stanwilsonjr @whistle @CapitalOne
@KyleCotter @adamwathan @tailwindcss @CraftCMS @happycog That’s awesome! 💯 for keeping things lean
@adamwathan @KyleCotter @tailwindcss The number of variations of HTML I would need to run. Different states (logged in vs logged out), JavaScript state. If you’re all in on Atomic CSS you might be good to go. I find it easier to manually analyze CSS and prune it as I go.
@equinusocio @SaraSoueidan @MinaMarkham I saw it mentioned by @adactio in his “Spirit of the Web” talk at An Event Apart Chicago in 2012. Notes: lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1616
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg @JosephHHoward @leedrozak @TaraClaeys @charlie3 hallwaychats.com/ is a podcast about WordPressers with @TaraClaeys & @liamdempsey like talking to someone in the hallways at WordCamps.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg @JosephHHoward @leedrozak @TaraClaeys @charlie3 “I’ve never built a website for my business. I have enough work. Don’t get questioned by clients about my lack of website. I share portfolio through email. High referral quality. Just don’t need a website for myself.” @bethsoderberg
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg @JosephHHoward @leedrozak @TaraClaeys @charlie3 “I do a lot of fixer upper work. Non-profits. Small businesses. Clients that need rescuing.” @bethsoderberg