XML export from iTunes… Such a misleading headline. twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1181…
XML export from iTunes… Such a misleading headline. twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1181…
__DIR__ vs dirname( __FILE__ ) daily.jorb.in/2019/10/dir-vs-dir…
Important fact they don’t tell you when you have kids: The name of the song playing in your head when you are trying to get them out the door to school is “William Tell Overture (Finale)” aka “March of the Swiss Army” aka “The Lone Ranger Theme Song”.
Pretty straightforward SEO guide for getting started salon.thefamily.co/the-google-se…
📝 New post: “Is Using @Coil to Monetize Prompts Gonna Work?”
Some thoughts on trying to monetize side projects, my bet on the @Interledger protocol, and some unique challenges with PWAs.
How I feel following along any programming video tutorial youtube.com/watch?v=MAlSjtxy5ak
@ckrewson You should look at coil.com/ for web monetization. Here’s a good podcast episode all about it shoptalkshow.com/episodes/379/
After listening @chriscoyier & @davatron5000 talk about @Coil on @ShopTalkShow I signed up and added it to dummyimage.com
Now you can pay creators for time spent on site. It’s an interesting experiment.
Rounded corners twitter.com/johncutlefish/status…
BuddyPress 5.0.0 “Le Gusto”!
Named after the well known 🍕 restaurant in Fortaleza, Brazil, it is the perfect place to meet with friends & enjoy new flavors – like @espellcaste’s favorite: Pizza de Camarão
☑️ Invitations API
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Happy National Daughters Day to these cuddly bed bugs.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #nationaldaughterday💕 #nationaldaughterday instagram.com/p/B23A1vWhKDA/
After-school pre-dinner bounce housing around.
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/B2h2QXthUvJ/
@bphogan I gave a talk walking through our CircleCI workflow
Slides: kingkool68.com/circleci-aws/#/
Video: youtube.com/watch?v=zdwPX-MVq_o
@css Submitted this to Hacker News news.ycombinator.com/item?id=211…
We know the only elements in the <head> are meta, link, title, style, script, noscript, and base, but there are LOTS of things those elements can do.
Wow.. best web dev tip I’ve learned in the last year at least.
Type document.designMode = ‘on’ into the console on any website and it lets you place the cursor anywhere to edit text, instead of having to poke around the DOM tree manually. twitter.com/sulco/status/1177559…
🔖 C’mon people. It’s 2019. Use a fucking `label` and associate it with the field using the `for` attribute. If you can figure out React (or Angular or whatever), you can absolutely figure this out. adrianroselli.com/2019/09/an-htm…
When the designer left out some details in a comp and encourages the developer to use their best judgement… twitter.com/galgracen/status/117…
Russell Athletic.
But the Heimlich maneuver has done wonders for my last name. twitter.com/McJesse/status/11769…
@pjrvs This guy the-honey-do-man.com/wallpaper.a…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.